I) Potest Rockwell duritia probentur adhibetur ad experimentum duritiam ferro pipe murum?
In test materia est SA-213m T22 ferro pipe cum exterior diameter de 16mm et murum crassitudine 1.65mm. In test eventus rockwell duritia tester sunt ut sequitur: Post removere ad cadmiae et decarburized iacuit in specimen superficiem cum molente, et in Rockwell duritia in a V, 150s Digital et Rockwell duritia in a V-Fabula Digital Display Rockwell duritia, in onus, 980.7n.
Post test, potest esse quod ferro tibia super murum habet levi deformatio, et effectus est: humilis valorem metiri rockwell duritia facit test irritum.
Secundum GB / T 230.1-2018 «Rockwell Durate Test pro metallicis materiae pars I: Test modi», in Rockwell duritia sit 80hrbw et minimum crassitudine est specimen est 1.5mm. In crassitudine sample no.1 est 1.65mm, in crassitudine decarburized iacuit est 0.15 ~ 0.20mm et crassitudo est sample post removere decarburized iacuit est 1.4 ~ 1.45mm, quae prope est ad minimum crassitudine est sample certa in GB / T 230.1-2018.
Per test, debitum ad sample centrum non valet, quod erit causa subtilis (forte invisibilia ad nudum oculo) deformatio, ita in rockwell duritia metiri valorem magis humilis.
II) quam eligere superficialisRockwellDurness TEGUMENTUM Testing Steel Pipes:
Nostrum comitatu est saepe probata duritiam ferro pipe superficies et pervenit in sequentibus conclusionibus:
Superficialis Rockwell duritia test aut rockwell duritia test super superficiem tenui, murem ferro pipe. Support Wall Support faciam specimen deformatio et eventus in low test results;
If put the cylindrical support in the middle of the thin-wall steel tube, because it can not ensure that the indenter axis and load loading direction and the surface of the steel pipe perpendicular to the surface, and the outer surface of the steel pipe and there will cause a gap of the cylindrical support of the gap between the circular surface of the steel pipe and the cylindrical support surface, will also cause the test result is rather low
Convert Vickers Durness Testing ad Rockwell Durness Testing post Polising in Steel Pipe sampling insetet, erit magis accurate Rockwell duritia valorem.
II. Postquam removendo et cadmiae et decarburization iacuit super superficiem in ferro pipe et machining in test planum in exteriore superficie et inlaying est, valorem est accurate comparati superficiali duritia est rockwell duritia est.
Post tempus: May-28-2024